Saturday, May 16, 2015

Subconscious mind simplified with just four points


Subconscious is a mind which controls all the vital functions of your body. For example : controls breathing, pumps blood from heart, heals your wounds when there is cut, subconscious mind is the one built your body and controls all its functions. In short it is a powerful gift given by God. You can perform scientifically impossible tasks with your subconscious mind if u learn how to use it for your own advantage!


You must remember that conscious and subconscious are not two minds, they are merely two spheres of activity within one mind.
¡)Conscious mind:
Conscious mind is a reasoning mind. It is a decision making mind. For example: you choose what you want to wear today! You choose which movie you want to go! You decide which game you want to play! You decide whom you want to marry etc. All these decisions are taken by you in your conscious mind.
¡¡)Subconscious mind:
On the other hand subconscious mind operates independent of your conscious control.  For example: Your heart is kept functioning automatically, vital functions of your body such as digestion, breathing etc are carried out by your subconsciously.Your subconscious mind never rests, even while your sleeping, your subconscious works continuously!.



If I could sum it up in one word, I would say anything!
Subconscious mind is the most powerful gift given by God to mankind, anything you want can be accomplished by your subconscious mind. Here are the list of things you can do!
>You can overcome any fear( phobia)
>You can heal any disease
>You can ask for solution of any problem
>Your subconscious can guide you through your life!
> You can remove all the mental blocks in your life
>You can bring happiness, joy and peace in your life
>You can use subconscious mind to become successful and rich!
Your subconscious has infinite amounts of power it will do what you want it to do!


Your subconscious mind is like a fertile soil and your conscious mind(i.e. you ) are the farmer, if u sow good fruitful seeds and continuously nourish it, it will give you results that u want. Similarly if u convey the idea of what you wish to achieve, your subconscious mind will make sure that it is accomplished. Your subconscious works on belief and faith.
For example if you are having pain in your leg, you just have to convince your subconscious mind that all your pain is vanishing and you are healing, when you repeat this multiple times a day, you will see the miracle at work!!

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